Well, this Nigerian lady is currently regretting her decision to pursue the chemistry she felt with an online interest. In a bid to perhaps, build a relationship with this young man whom she met online, she traveled from Abuja to go see him.However, it turne
d out that he was the complete opposite of what he had led her to believe online. It turns out that he does not live in Lekki, Lagos, but in Ogun state. As for the flamboyant lifestyle, well the state of his self-contain apartment was a terrible sorry sight
She stated she was stranded and could not live as the guy said he was broke and has no money to transport her back.
Good morning Uncle Ben please I need advice. I met a guy online and decided to go visit him which I’m here in Ogun state. This guy lied to me about staying in Lagos Ikeja but Ben he stays in Ogun state in one small room, he even cooks inside the one room, everywhere is just smelling, even my room in Abuja is bigger and neater than this.
Now told him I want to go back but he refused to give me transport saying he is broke he doesn’t have money. Since I came, I have been eating yam for the past 3 days now only yam and the yam has finished. Please I need help and advice please. I’m in Sango Bridge sugar, I’m really tired of staying, I want to go back home please I need advice. He said he stays in safe contain in Ikeja. I have never been to Lagos before, it was my first time. I didn’t even know I’m in Ogun state until people stared saying I’m in Ogun not Lagos. I thought I’m coming to Lag to have dun after all he promised me ooooo. I didn’t know I’m coming to suffer”
She also stated that she had never been to Lagos and so, when the bus passed Lagos and got into Ogun, she didn’t know until people told her. According to the lady, all she has been eating since she got there is yam, as the young man does not have any money.
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