Home / Uncategorized / Holy roller! Hindu monk pulls a van along with his PENIS as hundreds of thousands gather for religious festival in India (Photos)

Holy roller! Hindu monk pulls a van along with his PENIS as hundreds of thousands gather for religious festival in India (Photos)


Anyone who has been to a festival will have seen some astonishing sights, but perhaps none as eye-opening as this holy man at a Hindu religious festival in India.

The sadhu – a holy man following the Hindu or Jainist tradition – was photographed performing a bizarre feat of strength as he pulled a truck around using only his penis.

He was spotted in Allahabad, in northern India, where hundreds of thousands of Hindus are gathering for the annual Magh Mela festival which began on January 2.

Often sadhus will perform feats of physical or mental strength as a display of their spirituality and mastery of yoga techniques, as the majority of them are also yogis.

Sometimes this involves lifting or carrying objects with the penis, though many other demonstrations take place.

For example Radhey Shyam Prajapati holds the Guinness World Record for the longest time stood motionless, at 8 hours, 5 minutes and 5 seconds, while Rajikumar Chakraborty did a static wall sit for 11 hours and 5 minutes.



Source:  Savannanews24.com


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